Submitted by Suzy Kitman, H2H Member and host of the Cozy, Artsy St Johns Bungalow in North Portland
I was pleased to have signed up for this very informative evening with Ajay Date and Josie Ratnayake of Travel Portland. Shannon Hiller-Webb, Host2Host member and Travel Portland Board Member was the host for this event. I hadn’t heard of Travel Portland’s new public relations campaign, so I was curious to attend and see it for myself.
The video ad was terrific (see it below) and Ajay had much to share about the work that went into its development and production. After almost a year hiatus, due the pandemic, Travel Portland is back bringing new perspective and new partnerships to help all kinds of people see Portland as a place they want to visit.
Josie also brought us up to speed on Travel Portland’s new website design with its visitor-friendly quick links and resources. From local events, to exploring our unique neighborhoods, to the food cart finder and the Portland patio guide, this is a great website to share with our guests.
The Host2Host website now has a Travel Portland page to help hosts find and share links with guests. There is also a Resources for You section for hosts. You’ll find the Travel Portland page under the Resources tab.
Host2Host members can view the meetup recording here (along with additional material shared at the event). Stick around for the questions and answers, ranging from updates and developments on their site, to the latest market research and plenty of suggestions on how hosts can utilize Travel Portland’s information and share on social media.