Sports have long-been an important economic driver for Oregon, bringing tens of thousands of visitors to the state for various athletic endeavors. Oftentimes these visitors stay in short-term rental lodging, directly impacting host revenue. Read through the report and appreciate the eye-catching infographics used to illustrate their message that sports serve as a powerful economic engine for the state.
Teaming Up for Sports
Presenting Sponsors Portland Business Alliance and US Bank teamed up with HR&A Advisors, and Weinstein PR to produce a detailed report on the state of sports in Oregon.
State of the State
Not only is Oregon home to world-class athletic apparel and support devices like Adidas, Nike, Columbia Sportswear, Danner, Keen, Hydroflask, Looptworks, etc. We are also host to world-famous sporting events like HoodtoCoast, Pole Pedal Paddle, and even the World Athletics Championships held earlier in Eugene this month. And let’s not forget our beloved sports teams like the Trailblazers, Timbers and Thorns.
Economic Impact
Over 50,000 jobs have been created as a result of these top-notch companies with overall higher wages than other sectors. These events and companies provide more than $29 billion in annual economic impact and result in $975+ million in tax revenue for the state. Not only that, but this sector is one of the fastest growing in the state, has a stronger impact than the same sector in similar-sized cities, and happily, a complete rebound is predicted once the pandemic is largely behind us.
What Does this Mean for Hosts?
Well, tourism is an industry that enjoys the benefit of this large and growing sporting sector. The World Athletics Championship alone was expected to generate over $50 million in direct spending by visitors. No doubt a few of you have been lucky enough to host an athlete on their way down or back from the event!
Synergistic Interreliance
As the report points out, there are "synergies and connections between People, Place, and Program assets that create an ecosystem greater than the sum of its parts". Like any good team, these assets help each other grow and develop.
Read the full report here to learn more about how sports are impacting Oregon and how you might be able to get involved in this ecosystem even further.