On December 13th, a warm and welcoming community of Host2Host members gathered together at the scrumptiously inviting restaurant, Emerald Line, to celebrate one another’s success and provide moments of uplifting support.
Tasty Treats and a Bevy of Beverages
In addition to the absolutely stunning and delectably delicious bites on offer, a range of tasty beverages was also completely free for members including an assortment of signature cocktails and mocktails, as well as the best wines, craft beers that Oregon and Washington can offer.
Giveaways Galore
Attendees had the opportunity to participate in several giveaways, including gift bags filled with Host2Host merchandise and Starbucks gift cards. There was also a 50/50 raffle at the event with the BIG winner - Kristy Olsen - taking home half of the donations and splitting the remainder with Host2Host. Thanks, everyone, for participating!
Winning is as Easy as 1-2-3!
If you wanted to play but missed the opportunity, there’s still time to join in the online 50/50 raffle. The lucky winner of that raffle will be automatically picked the evening of 12/31/23 - winning is as easy as 1 - 2 - 3! And the winner could be you, but only if you play!