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  • Tue, February 27, 2024 12:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Have you ever wanted to spend time in one of the world's only short-term rentals perched high above the beautiful and tranquil Umpqua National Forest in southern Oregon? Complete with an outdoor shower and hot tub - it's the perfect place to unwind, unplug, watch the stars and reconnect with yourself and with our beautiful, natural surroundings.

    Because this unique property is so popular, availability in their rental calendar sells out within mere minutes of being released. That's why we're so thrilled that owners and founding members of Host2Host, Dabney Tompkins and Alan Colley so graciously offered three nights as a fundraising benefit for Host2Host.

    You are invited to check out the property and enter your bid to experience a life-changing stay at their amazing rental. This auction will begin promptly at 12pm on Sunday, March 3rd and end at 8pm on Sunday, March 10th, so mark your calendars and enter to win. 

  • Tue, February 27, 2024 11:59 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Are you hosting a short-term rental property in Washington state? State legislators have approved the passage of a 10% excise tax on every night's lodging fee. This additional tax has been proposed in an effort to help offset their concerns over affordable housing needs for workers in the hospitality industry. Bill 6175 basically allows individual cities and counties to enact up to a 10% tax on every night's stay with increments of no less than 1%. Exempt from this regulation are hosts who rent space in their primary residence where guests enter from a common, shared entrance.

    The overall impact of this excise tax is broad and its implications far-reaching. It could make staying at a short-term rental less affordable than a similarly priced hotel room and could negatively impact overall occupancy for STR hosts. The measure recently passed the Senate and is headed to the House for a vote so contact your state legislators today. Now is your chance to weigh in on the measure. Don't miss it! 

  • Tue, February 27, 2024 11:58 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Portland statueThis spring, the City of Portland’s Planning Commission is participating in its tenth revision to Portland’s regulatory code in a process known as RICAP-10.

    RICAP-10 is intended to make many changes to the code while allowing them to be voted on as one BIG ordinance. We’re bringing this to your attention because there are changes that will affect short-term rental hosts. Specifically, pages 83-95 address many changes for STRs. The proposed draft has been released for public review.

    Proposals include:

    • Expanding the allowance for home businesses in locations with ADU-type spaces.
    • Type B permits will be restricted in C, E, and I zones. Operating in these zones may require approval as Retail Sales and Service classification instead.
    • Applications for STR approval will no longer require notarization.
    • Hosts cannot advertise the ability to lodge more than the maximum number of bedrooms they have been permitted for.
    • Permit application process simplification including elimination of a need to list every neighbor receiving notification of application submittal.
    • When a Type A permit authorization is revoked, it cannot be reissued to the same applicant and there is a two-year waiting period before that dwelling can be permitted again.
    • Instead of requiring hosts to maintain a guest logbook, the City may request a list of transactions from the listing platform showing guest names, guest home addresses, guest phone numbers, dates of stay, and number of guests in each reservation. This information must be provided within 30 days or risk permit revocation.

    We encourage you to review the proposed changes to see how they could affect your ability to host. If you have any concerns, submit them here and watch this site for more details about implementation.

    If you enjoy staying abreast of regulatory changes and helping your fellow hosts navigate them successfully, consider joining the Host2Host Advocacy Committee.

  • Tue, February 27, 2024 11:55 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As hosts in the short-term rental market, it's crucial to stay informed about any updates or changes in the platforms we use to connect with guests and manage our listings. Recently, Airbnb rolled out some revisions to their terms of service that take effect at the end of March. Let's delve into these changes and understand their implications for hosts like us.

    Of course, you must do your due diligence to ensure you understand these changes. Our summation is offered as a service to our readers, but it's important for you to know how the changes could impact you.

    Guest Responsibilities

    One significant aspect of the updated terms revolves around guest responsibilities. Airbnb now explicitly outlines the expectations for guests regarding their behavior during their stay. This includes respecting the host's property and community guidelines, adhering to noise policies, and treating neighbors with consideration. 

    Host Guarantees

    Another noteworthy update pertains to the host guarantee program. Airbnb has refined the terms surrounding host protection, offering more clarity on the coverage provided. Hosts can continue to expect protection against damages caused by guests. However, it's essential to review the specifics of the guarantee to understand its scope and limitations.

    Fee Structure

    currency exchangeThe revised terms also include adjustments to the fee structure on Airbnb. While the core fee remains consistent, hosts may encounter changes in additional fees associated with specific services or features. Additionally, in cases of reservations that cross currencies, an additional 2% fee will apply. It's advisable to review the updated fee schedule.

    Data Privacy and Security

    With the growing emphasis on data privacy and security, Airbnb has reinforced its commitment to safeguarding user information. The updated terms incorporate measures to protect host and guest data, aligning with evolving regulatory standards and best practices.

    Community Guidelines

    Lastly, Airbnb has reinforced its community guidelines. These guidelines encompass various aspects, including anti-discrimination policies, responsible hosting practices, and cultural sensitivity. By upholding these principles, hosts contribute to creating a welcoming atmosphere for guests from diverse backgrounds.

    As with any Terms of Service change, it's important to familiarize yourself with the updated agreement.

  • Wed, January 31, 2024 9:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In late December 2023, Vancouver adopted an ordinance to manage Short-term Rental (STR) properties in the area. Under this ordinance, permits will be required to operate rentals under 30 days by February 15, 2024 or face code compliance citations. They have offered the following guidance to impacted hosts. 

    Before applying for a permit:

    • Secure a Washington State and City of Vancouver business license from the state Department of Revenue and click “Get licensing requirements” to access the state’s Business Licensing Wizard. Enter the keywords “Real Estate Rental – Short Term Residential”.

    • Obtain at least $1,000,000 in liability insurance for the property.

    • Send notification letters to your neighbors on both sides, in front, and behind your property. The notification letter should include a brief description of the operation, the number of bedrooms to be rented to overnight guests and a phone number for the owner or operator. It will be helpful to send the notices via certified mail or otherwise obtain proof of mailing.

    Once you have completed these tasks, it’s time to apply for your permit. Under this initial permit pilot program, the total number of authorized STRs will be limited to no more than 870 units or 1% of the City’s current total housing stock - so start the process today!

  • Wed, January 31, 2024 9:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The winter storm the Pacific Northwest just experienced was a doozy! Give yourselves a pat on the back for making it through. While we’d love to pretend this kind of storm won’t hit the area again anytime soon, the reality is that it just might happen again next year or even in the next few weeks. 

    It's true that a blanket of snow and a crisp chill in the air can create a picturesque setting for your short-term rental, they can also bring unique challenges. As a host, your goal is to ensure your guests have a safe, comfortable, and memorable stay, regardless of the weather outside. While it might be a little late for this round of snow, hopefully these tips will help you create a more positive experience for you and your guests the next time winter weather hits hard.

    Proactive Communication

    Communication is key! Before your guests arrive, inform them about the potential weather conditions and what they should expect. Setting the right expectations upfront can significantly enhance your guests' experience.

    cars driving on snowy roadsThis could include:

    • Road conditions and the need for snow chains or 4WD vehicles to access properties at elevation.

    • Recommendations for warm clothing and snow gear.

    • Information on local services such as emergency contacts, nearby hospitals, and availability of access to groceries and dining options in inclement weather.

    Property Preparation

    A little preparation can go a long way in ensuring guest comfort:

    • Snow Removal: Keep driveways and walkways clear. Apply salt or sand to walkways to prevent slips and falls. If you can’t do it yourself, find a reliable local contact who can be deployed when you experience accumulation.

    • Heating and Insulation: Check that your property is well-insulated and the heating system is in top shape. A warm and cozy environment is essential. 

    • Emergency Supplies: Stock up on essentials like flashlights, batteries, blankets, a first-aid kit, and basic non-perishable food items.

    Power Outage Readiness

    woman looking at her cell phone in front of the fireplaceWinter storms can sometimes lead to power outages. Be prepared by:

    • Consider a backup generator or alternative heat sources like wood-burning stoves.

    • If you have a fireplace, consider an annual chimney cleaning to ensure the safety of your property and the health of the guests using it.

    • Maintain a good supply of wood if your property has a fireplace and ensure you have appropriate tools for creating and managing a fire.

    Local Resources and Support

    Create a list of local resources for your guests and keep that information readily available in your guest handbook and maybe even visible on the refrigerator. Don’t make guests search for the information. Resources might include:

    • The phone number to call in case of emergency. Some international travelers may not be familiar with 9-1-1.

    • The location of the closest emergency service providers like the nearest hospital.

    • The location and normal operating hours of the closest grocery stores and pharmacies.

    Being prepared and proactive is the key to successfully managing your rental property during the winter months. Not only does this ensure the safety and comfort of your guests, but it also presents an opportunity to provide a unique and memorable experience.

  • Wed, December 27, 2023 9:24 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    For the past several months, Airbnb and the City of Portland have been in ongoing negotiations about the best pathway forward to ensure fair and responsible hosting can continue to take place in the city. As a result, there’s just one very important detail that hosts should be aware of if they want to remain listed on the Airbnb platform.

    Registration Number Visibility
    Regulations Page in AirbnbIf you haven’t already, you MUST indicate a valid permit number in the listing field. Check to make sure your permit number is displayed. Click on your listing then the tab Policies and Rules and scroll down to Regulations. Click through that tab to ensure your permit number is visible.

    Find Your Permit Number
    You can find your permit number by going to and entering your home address. All permits pulled for your home will be listed on the front screen. Copy the permit number from here and drop it directly into Airbnb.

    Non-Compliant Listings Will Be Removed
    woman looks stressed about money and billsListings without a valid permit number will be DELISTED from the platform in coming weeks. Take action NOW to ensure your listing is in compliance. For more information, you can read about the requirements for Type A and B permits here.

    If you think your listing falls into a category of exceptions to the rules for renting a short-term rental in Portland or if you cannot locate the place to make that change in your listing, reach out to Airbnb (chat here or call 415-800-5959)

  • Wed, December 27, 2023 9:23 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As we step into 2024, the short-term rental industry continues to evolve, shaped by technology, consumer preferences, and global trends. For short-term rental hosts, staying ahead of these changes is crucial for success. Here are some of the key trends to watch for in 2024:
    Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Repeat.1. Sustainability Practices
    Environmental consciousness is no longer a choice but a necessity. Guests are increasingly seeking eco-friendly accommodations. In 2024, expect a surge in demand for rentals that offer sustainable practices such as solar energy, recycling programs, and eco-friendly amenities. Hosts who adopt these practices will not only appeal to a growing segment of environmentally conscious travelers but also contribute to a greener planet.
    2. Tech-Enhanced Guest Experiences
    Technology continues to revolutionize the guest experience. From smart home systems that allow for self-check-in and personalized climate control to AI-driven personal assistants that can provide local recommendations, investing in technology will be a game-changer for hosts.
    3. Local Experiences and Personalization
    Travelers are increasingly looking for unique, local experiences rather than the generic tourist attractions. In 2024, hosts who can provide personalized experiences, such as local culinary classes, woman in front of screens of numbers and programmingguided tours, or partnerships with local businesses, will stand out. This trend not only enhances the guest experience but also fosters a deeper connection with the local community.
    4. Dynamic Pricing Strategies
    With the market becoming increasingly competitive, dynamic pricing strategies will be key. Utilizing software that adjusts prices based on demand, season, and local events can maximize revenue and ensure competitive pricing.
    5. Regulatory Compliance and Community Relations
    As short-term rentals become more prevalent, regulatory scrutiny is increasing. Staying informed about local regulations and maintaining good relationships with neighbors and the broader community will be vital for hosts. That's part of the reason Host2Host is so important. We hope you'll continue to be a part of our community of thoughtful, responsible hosts.

  • Wed, December 27, 2023 9:21 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Watersheds are defined by ridge lines. The path rainwater takes depends on mere inches—where it falls on either side of that ridge. Similarly, our community now stands on a kind of metaphorical ridge, teetering between an old worldview and an emerging new one.

    It's clear we're in what many call a "watershed moment." No one needs to remind us that the events of recent years have rattled us, pushing us beyond our comfort zones. The challenges we've faced aren't just about wildfires, droughts, floods, or even a pandemic anymore. We're grappling with broader global conflicts, economic uncertainties, climate change, and a deeper understanding of social injustices. While they may seem beyond our ability to fix, we do have the power to work together to address those issues that affect our own neighborhoods.

    As this year turns over, while we commemorate the events of 2023, let’s refrain from pining for the “old normal”. Let’s commit ourselves to working together to forge a new path. 

    forest path with bright sunshineWe can work together to stay vigilant to challenges.  As a community of hosts we have the tools to create places where comfort, integrity, and care flourish—not just for our own families, but for our neighbors, and, of course, for those guests we warmly welcome into our homes.

    In this season of reflection, let's embrace this new watershed moment. It's an opportunity to rebuild, to rethink, and to rekindle the spirit of welcome we know holds us together.

  • Wed, December 27, 2023 9:20 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On December 13th, a warm and welcoming community of Host2Host members gathered together at the scrumptiously inviting restaurant, Emerald Line, to celebrate one another’s success and provide moments of uplifting support. 

    Tasty Treats and a Bevy of Beverages
    In addition to the absolutely stunning and delectably delicious bites on offer, a range of tasty beverages was also completely free for members including an assortment of signature cocktails and mocktails, as well as the best wines, craft beers that Oregon and Washington can offer.

    Two people holding up numbers - 50Giveaways Galore
    Attendees had the opportunity to participate in several giveaways, including gift bags filled with Host2Host merchandise and Starbucks gift cards. There was also a 50/50 raffle at the event with the BIG winner - Kristy Olsen - taking home half of the donations and splitting the remainder with Host2Host. Thanks, everyone, for participating!
    Winning is as Easy as 1-2-3!
    If you wanted to play but missed the opportunity, there’s still time to join in the online 50/50 raffle. The lucky winner of that raffle will be automatically picked the evening of 12/31/23 - winning is as easy as 1 - 2 - 3! And the winner could be you, but only if you play!

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