Advocacy Alert: Portland City Council will consider a new approach to bring about Pass-Through Registration (PTR), in which the platforms communicate listing and contact information to the City and facilitate registration; the City in turn sends information back to the platforms to indicate whether the listing has completed the permit process. It is supposed to be easier than the current process, but the City and platforms couldn't agree on details. The proposed Ordinance would give the platforms the choice of either accepting the City’s PTR terms or requiring the platforms to advertise only those listings that show up on a new, City “STR Registry” of permitted STRs. Host2Host has expressed general support for the Ordinance, along with some concerns, primarily around privacy. If the Ordinance is passed, the PTR process will begin in 30 days.Action needed: Host2Host Advocacy members, Rob Hertert and Shannon Hiller-Webb, will testify on behalf of Host2Host. There won't be time for more people to testify, but support is welcome if you can make it to the Hearing. You can read the proposed ordinance at the following website, then scroll down past Communications, past Times Certain, past Consent Agenda, to Regular Agenda, under Office of Management and Finance, to # 542
Advocacy Alert: Portland City Council will consider a new approach to bring about Pass-Through Registration (PTR), in which the platforms communicate listing and contact information to the City and facilitate registration; the City in turn sends information back to the platforms to indicate whether the listing has completed the permit process. It is supposed to be easier than the current process, but the City and platforms couldn't agree on details.
The proposed Ordinance would give the platforms the choice of either accepting the City’s PTR terms or requiring the platforms to advertise only those listings that show up on a new, City “STR Registry” of permitted STRs.
Host2Host has expressed general support for the Ordinance, along with some concerns, primarily around privacy. If the Ordinance is passed, the PTR process will begin in 30 days.
Host2Host® is a registered trademark of, a member trade association for the short-term rental community.